The 15th MUNIK Conference was held from 10th-12th January 2025 at the IBA Main Campus, Karachi University. 39 Delegates from BVS took part in it.
BVS Achievements
BVS’ Delegates Public Speaking skills were appreciated at the event. Our students won many awards at the Conference.
Best Delegate Awards:
The following students won the Best Delegate Awards.
1. Khizar Ahmed – 11-D for Omar Ayub PNA
2. Abdul Bari – 8-B, for Khursheed Ahmed Junejo PNA
3. Rayyan Bilal – 11-D in representing China, SPECPOL
4. Rayyan Bilal-11-D upon winning the Best Delegate Crisis Cell BDCC.
Outstanding Diplomacy Awards:
The following students won the OD-Outstanding Awards.
1. Syed Zaid Aftab 11-D & Aazmeer Sheikh – 11-D on representing China, DISEC.
Honourable Mentions:
1. Wajeeh bin Rafay – 10-B on representing China, UNSC
2. Gaurav Om Prakash – 10-D, China, UNODC
3. Ibrahim Zeb – 11-D, China SOCHUM
4. Abdullah Lari – 10-E, United Kingdom, SOCHUM
5. Muhammad Mujtaba – 8-D, EUFA President FIFA
6. Zaheeb Azeem – 9-E, China, UNHRC
7. Muhammad Faris – 9-A for Uzair Baloch KCC
8. Muhammad Saad Arsalan – 8-E, Saudia Arabia UNHRC
Special Mentions:
1. Abdullah Altaf -11-D, for Captain America Marvel VS DC
2. Naufil Siddiqui – 7-E, United Kingdom SPECPOL
3. Muhammad Ahmed Allana 9-E & Musab Shafiq – 9-C, for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4. Abdullah Raza – 11-D, China IAEA
5. Daniyal Adnan – 9-D, United Kingdom WHO
6. Abdul Hafeez – 8-C for Imran Farooq KCC
BVS Parsi High School ‘s Delegation of China was the Best Delegation. It received a Marvellous Shield of the Conference. This is the first time BVS has won MUNIK Conference in 15 years.
Overall 22 awards and appreciations.
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