The Anatoly Karpov rapid chess tournament was held at the Russian Centre for Science and Culture on Sunday 17th November, 2024 and our Chess players performed wonderfully well in it.

BVS Achievements

  1. Daniyal Jawwad of 10-E became the Champion ๐Ÿ† of U-16 Age Category. He received a shield ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
  2. Abdullah Alam of 7-B stood 2nd in the U-12 Age Category. He received a medal ๐Ÿฅ‡ and a certificate.

Our other Achievers

  1. Maadhav Kumar of 8-A stood 4th in the U-16 Age Category. He received a certificate.
  2. Mohit Kumar of 10-C stood 6th in the U-16 Age Category. He also received a certificate.
  3. Aroon Kumar of 8-E, Abdullah Lari of 10-E, and Zohaib Jawwad of 8-D and Mujtaba of 8-D stood 8th, 9th and 10th in the U-16 Age Category. They also received certificates of Merit for securing a place in the top 10 players.

Well done players!

Virbaijeeites towards that best light