What is Chikungunya?
Chikungunya is a disease caused by a virus spread by mosquitoes that causes arthritis type symptoms in people.
This viral disease is transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes, A. Aegypti and to a lesser extent, A. Albopictus.
If you have Chikengunya, prevent mosquito bites for the first week of illness because an infected mosquito can then spread the virus to other people.
- Fever with or without rashes
- Symptoms similar to those of arthritis such as pain and swelling of joints.
- Headache
- Muscular pain
- Tiredness
- Chikungunya antigen test
- Antibodies teston a blood sample.
- There is no drug that can be used to treat this conditionand thus only the symptoms can be treated. The following supportive treatment can be applied:
- For fever sponging and Paracetamol. Do not take Aspirin and NSAIDS until Dengue can be ruled out.
- In severe cases, anti-rheumatic medicines.
- Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
- Complete rest till fever subsides.
- The patient should be referred to hospital in case of deterioration of condition.
- There is no vaccineto prevent Chikungunya virus infection. The best way to prevent chikungunya is to protect yourself from mosquito bites.
- Use insect repellent
- wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, treat clothing and gear.
- Use mesh and nets
Prevent water accumulation.